"Personal projects make you a better developer"
Like many software developers who are passionate about latest technologies, I enjoy having multiple personal software projects all the time. Sometimes I spend countless night and weekend hours on them and sometimes they get parked for months or even years. These projects give me a chance to work on the technologies or ideas that I cannot usually try at work. In most cases, they will also serve a personal purpose of mine or my contacts. A list of some of my such projects is given under the "My Software" section on this website.
Firebase hosting is a Google hosting service which provides static web content to the user in a secure, fast, free and easy way. It by default provides free subdomains on the web.app domain that has SSL certificate.
"hosting": [ {
"target": "GetCool",
"public": "GetCool",
"ignore": [
"target": "Coolwayfarer",
"public": "Coolwayfarer",
"ignore": [
Add package reference: Microsoft.Data.Sqlite, Dapper, Dapper.SimpleCRUD
Rt Click project > Publish > Create new profile > Azure Web App (Windows) : Login using Azure microsoft account and choose the app and complete.