
"If you want to understand today, you have to search yesterday." –Pearl Buck



  • 13700 million (1370 crore) years ago: Big Bang
  • 4560 million (456 crore) years ago: Solar System
  • 4540 million (454 crore) years ago: Earth
  • 4527 million (452.7 crore) years ago: Moon
  • 4400 million (440 crore) years ago: Oceans
  • 3800 million (380 crore) years ago: First Life (single cell prokaryotes)
  • 3000 million (300 crore) years ago: Photosynthesis
  • 2000 million (200 crore) years ago: Complex Cells (eukaryotes)
  • 1000 million (100 crore) years ago: Multicellular Life
  • 600 million (60 crore) years ago: Simple Animals
  • 570 million (57 crore) years ago: Arthropods (ancestors of insects, arachnids and crustaceans)
  • 550 million (55 crore) years ago: Complex Animals
  • 500 million (50 crore) years ago: Fish
  • 475 million (47.5 crore) years ago: Land Plants
  • 400 million (40 crore) years ago: Insects
  • 360 million (36 crore) years ago: Amphibians
  • 300 million (30 crore) years ago: Reptiles
  • 230 million (23 crore) years ago: Dinosaurs
  • 200 million (20 crore) years ago: Mammals
  • 150 million (15 crore) years ago: Birds
  • 130 million (13 crore) years ago: Flowers
  • 65 million (6.5 crore) years ago: Dinosaurs Extinction
  • 4.8 million (48 lacs) years ago: Mammoth
  • 2.5 million (25 lacs) years ago: Homo
  • 600000 (6 lacs) years ago: Neanderthals



  • 4250 BC: The earliest known date, the beginning of the Egyptian calendar.
  • 3300 BC: Bronze Age begins
  • 3300 BC: Indus Valley Civilization begins
  • 3100 BC: First dynasty of Egypt
  • 3000 BC: First known use of papyrus by Egyptians
  • 2700 BC: Rise of Elam Civilization in Iran (Mesopotamia)
  • 2600 BC: Maya Civilization
  • 1800 BC: Alphabetic writing emerges
  • 890 BC: Approximate date for the composition of the Iliad and the Odyssey
  • 800 BC: Rise of Greek city-states
  • 776 BC: First recorded Olympic Games
  • 753 BC: Founding of Rome
  • 653 BC: Rise of Persian Empire
  • 600 BC: Pandyan kingdom in South India
  • 563 BC: Buddha, founder of Buddhism is born
  • 551 BC: Confucius, founder of Confucianism is born
  • 549 BC: Mahavira, founder of Jainism is born
  • 469 BC: Birth of Socrates
  • 273 BC: Ashoka the Great becomes the emperor of the Mauryan Empire
  • 200 BC: Chera dynasty in South India
  • 100 BC: Chola dynasty rises in prominence.
  • 4 BC: Widely accepted date for birth of Jesus Christ
  • 68 AD: Year of the four emperors in Rome
  • 395 AD: Roman Emperor Theodosius I outlaws all pagan religions in favour of Christianity


  • 406 AD: Beginning of the collapse of the Western Roman Empire
  • 427 AD: Nalanda University established in Bihar, India as Buddhist center of learning
  • 568 AD: The Kingdom of the Lombards is founded in Italy
  • 571 AD: Mohammed, founder of Islam is born
  • 590 AD: Gregory the Great becomes Pope
  • 622 AD: Muhammad flees Mecca for Medina (Hijra)
  • 631 AD: Death of Muhammed
  • 638 AD: Jerusalem captured by Muslims
  • 1099 AD: First Crusade. Jerusalem is re-taken from the Muslims
  • 1117 AD: The University of Oxford is founded
  • 1187 AD: Saladin recaptures Jerusalem
  • 1206 AD: Genghis Khan established Mongol Empire
  • 1209 AD: The University of Cambridge is founded.
  • 1453 AD: Constantinople falls to the Ottoman Turks
  • 1492 AD: Christopher Columbus reaches the Americas

Early Modern

  • 1519: Death of Leonardo da Vinci and his completion of the Mona Lisa
  • 1609: First telescopic observations of Galileo
  • 1611: Performance of Shakespeare's last solo play, The Tempest
  • 1655: Completion of the Taj Mahal
  • 1687: Publication of Isaac Newton's Principia Mathematica
  • 1764: Starting of Industrial Revolution
  • 1776: Independence of the United States from Britain
  • 1789: French Revolution
  • 1859: Charles Darwin publishes The Origin of Species
  • 1876: First long-distance telephone call by Alexander Graham Bell
  • 1879: Thomas Edison tests his first light bulb
  • 1889: Construction of the Eiffel Tower
  • 1896: First modern Olympic Games


  • 1914: Beginning of World War I
  • 1918: End of World War I
  • 1923: Time Magazine is first published
  • 1928: Discovery of penicillin by Alexander Fleming
  • 1939: Beginning of World War II
  • 1945: End of World War II
  • 1947: Independence of India and Pakistan
  • 1957: Launch of Sputnik 1 and the beginning of the Space Age
  • 1969: Moon landings
  • 1980: Beginning of the Iran-Iraq War
  • 1988: End of the Iran-Iraq War
  • 1990: Gulf war begins
  • 1991: Gulf war ends
  • 1996: Dolly the Sheep, first cloned mammal is born

21st century

  • 2001: 9/11 attacks destroy the World Trade Center in New York. Afghan War begins
  • 2003: Iraq War or Invasion of Iraq begins
  • 2006: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq
  • 2008: Barack Obama is elected as first black President of the United States
  • 2009: Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest skyscraper, opens in Dubai
  • 2010: Artificial Life in lab is created (Synthia)
  • 2011: South Sudan becomes the newest internationally recognized country in the world. Syrian civil war begins
  • 2013: With Mangalyaan, India becomes the first Asian nation to reach Martian orbit and the first nation in the world to do so on its maiden attempt
  • 2018: The first monkeys are cloned, and first genetically modified humans reported, in China
  • 2020: COVID-19 pandemic led to global social and economic disruption

Source: Mostly Wikipedia (Some dates, especially the ancient ones may not be the exact)

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Hi, I'm Sameer. I love anything technology related and have chosen the field of Information Technology for my profession. I'm passionate about travel and never miss any chance to Read more...
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